Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A New Post on The Little Dojo

"Yesterday I spent Three hours studying 50 fights that have happened here in Walla Walla, WA. They were all sanctioned in the ring with Police Officers and Medics in Attendance, a Ref, and an Announcer who said the Pledge of Allegiance and Announcing that we were in Walla Walla, WA, United States of AMERICA." More.....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Veterans Day Salute

The Karate Critic Salutes the Men and Women in Uniform Past, Present, and Future. Thanks for all you do and the sacrifices you have made.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Internal Damage Tai Chi

The world is filled with low grade to mediocre things so it is a rare thing and somthing to be valued when you find the real deal, especially in the area of the Internal Arts. Thanks to Johnny Williams the Karate Critic has found a source of just that Real, Real Functional Tai Chi, in the form of Internal Damage Tai Chi Good Stuff. Sifu Glen Harrison brings real world experience and top shelf Tai Chi Credentials to the table. The Karate Critic gives Internal Damage a place on the Top Shelf, I recomend it.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


This is the worst self defense set that the Karate Critic has ever suffered through. Wow! Do Not Go in There!

New Video from The Little Dojo

Past Skills

Yamabushi (山伏) - Forest warrior monk.
The Yamabushi were ancient holy people from pre-recorded history who sought enlightenment through asceticism in the mountains. They were known for their shamanic powers of healing by the laying on of hands and the use of plants. The Yamabushi achieved deep philosophical knowledge and super natural powers through the study of self and nature. They had a fierce reputation for extreme feats of endurance and were respected for their arduous lifestyle, martial techniques, and in-depth mastery in the use of such weapons as the bow and arrow and the lance.

Past Skills is taught by Bill McConnell a long time student of the famous Tom Brown and an instructor in Tom Browns Courses. Bill and his wife conduct a six month emersion course in the way of the Yamabushi. This course covers everything from making fires, to the ancient philosophies, healing and the way of tracking.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Inheritor of Fook Yueng Chuan Steve Smith to Present Seminar in Switzerland

Pierre Hartmann of the Chinese Boxing Association In Geneve, Switzerland will be hosting Fook Yueng Chuan Inheritor Steve Smith for a Fook Yueng Chuan seminar in Geneve, Spring of 2008. Fook Yueng was a teacher mentor to Bruce Lee from 1959 to about 1964. For information contact Pierre Hartman info@nckf.ch.

Steve Smith Demo for Chinese Boxing Seminar Switzerland

Add to My Profile More Videos

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jesse R. Glover Bruce Lee's First Student to Teach Seminar At the Chinese Boxing Association in Switzerland

MULTISEMINAR in Geneva with Jesse R. Glover (USA) Andreas Haeckel (D) the 3th & 4th November 2007 inscriptions: info@nckf.ch or phone+41792009174 payments in €urosbefore 16th October 1 day 1002 days 125 after 17th October: 1 day 1202 days 150 Location: Ecole des Contamines, 22 rue michelchauvet, Geneva , Switzerland Saturday : 11am-5pm /Sunday : 10am-4pm 2 x 6 hours of high-level instructions with special guest Jesse Glover and other experts! Ready for a unforgettable two day seminar just for You!!! Accommodations: Hotel de France, 74140 St. Cergues,France. http://www.hoteldefrance74.com/ (reservations required)Payments: cheque, western union or send cash to: Pierre Hartmann, 544,rte D’Hermance,1248 Hermance, Switzerland.

Jesse R. Glover, Bruce Lee's First Student is one of the World's leading Experts in Bruce Lee's Method of Sticking Hands and a first class coach in developing devestating Punching Power and Speed. Pierre Hartmann has been trainning with Jesse R. Glover, Ed Hart and Sonny Umpad for many years hosting Sonny Umpad, and Jesse Glover in Switzerland exposing many in Europe to Jesse's Unique approach to Training. Pierre an expert himself is ravenous in his training and learning from everyone who has something to add, to his method. This seminar in Switzerland is in Celebration of The Chinese Boxing Associations 25th year, and will be a once in a lifetime event for anyone able to make it. People are fortunate to meet and train with someone like Jesse in their life time. The Karate Critic highly recommends this seminar to anyone near Geneve or anyone who could make the trip. This one is The Seminar to attend of the Decade.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dr. Moses Powell Memorial Semianr

Dr. Moses Powell Memorial Seminar

Atemi Ryu Jujitsu October 31-November 1, 2007 Sensei Re-Certification for Aikido and Ju-Jitsu MANDATORY FOR ALL BLACK BELTS! Cost: $130 if paid by June 1st and $150 after June 2nd (The Dr. Powell Seminar is included.) For additional information contact Dr. Chenique @ 305-825-4063November 2-3, 2007 Dr. Moses Powell Annual Miami Seminar The Lost teachings of Dr. Moses Powell taught by his Master Instructors. Friday, November 2, 2007 from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM.Saturday, November 3, 2007 from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM.

REGISTER NOW for lunch at discount prices. Please call for info regarding lunch menu and discounts. Cost: June $70 July $75 August $85 September. $95After September attendees will be charged the regular price, $150.00, NO Exceptions!For additional information contact Dr. Chenique @ 305-825-4063 mushadojo@yahoo.com

Dr. Powell was one of the true pioneers of Martial Arts in the United States. This one is going to be great!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

James A. Keating Riddle of Steel 2007

The flow of the river matches the flow of the knives in motion as we explore riverine ecosystems, canyon chains and the lost secrets of the knife- both ancient and modern versions.
Come experience this rare chance to be a part of the legendary event known as the RIDDLE OF STEEL.
Other camps have long striven to duplicate this event and have failed. There can be only one and this is it.
If you love knives, their usage, their making etc and want a glimpse of what you can acomplish within this razor sharp world then BE THERE for this event. I do not hold these too often any more, so come now.

"Advanced Hand Manuevers"
Kung Fu, Gung Fu, Chinese Boxing, call it what you want - it's here and waiting to turbo-charge your skills into the next level. See the how and the why of the Comtech blend of advanced hand skills.
You will learn about how to advance your blade skills, boxing skills, locking skills and submissions.
This stuff is a blast! This my friends will contain many so called secrets that other schools hold back.
I invite you to come and learn, this material will help ANY person who practices ANY fighting method.

"I went on one of the early Riddle of Steel adventures and it could be stated that it is the trip of a lifetime." Karate Critic

Info on the Riddle of Steel: 541-938-3451

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Visayan Eskrima

Several of Sonny Umpad's top Students/Gurus are now offering a web site to the memory of the Legend Sonny Umpad. http://www.visiayaneskrima.com

Sonny lived the life of an innovator and creator, of music and Martial Artists, and an art of massive dimensions. Jesse Glover said, "He was like Bruce Lee but with Sticks". Most people who watched him move had trouble following the action, I had to tell him to slow down so people could see what he was doing and appreciate it.

It is great to see some of his long term students coming out with some of the teachings of Sonny Umpad, through seminars and articles. The Dog Brothers have come out with a new DVD that highlights the art of Sonny both with sticks and with his carvings, a fascinating look at one of the Legends of FMA.

Check it out! Also I have heard that The Little Dojo will be hosting a Visayan Eskrima Seminar with many of the successors of this amazing art.

The Little Dojo Mountain Retreat

The Little Dojo will be presenting it’s Third Annual Fall Mountain Retreat in the Blue Mountains just East / South East of Walla Walla, Washington. steve-and-instructor-from-spirit-wing-chun.jpgThe Mountain Retreat is a great time training in Fook Yueng Chuan, Infinity Concepts, and Non Classical Gung Fu enjoyed by people from all over the United States, Canada, England, and Europe.Jesse and Mike at Mountain Retreat

The Mountain Retreat this Fall is a rustic theme; we will be staying under the stars and in tents cooking over camp stoves, working out outside in a natural environment. We will be practicing Chi Kung, Effortless Power, Multiple Attackers, Counter Grappling, Infinity Knife Concepts, Hand Gun Disarms and Retention, Non Classical Gung Fu and Night Work.

The theme this Fall is Taking it to the Next Level. People with Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, Non Classical Gung Fu, Tai Chi, Aikido, and Internal Martial Arts training will love the sessions. Tuition for the Weekend of training is $349 U.S. Covers all training. To Register Call Steve Smith 509-200-2466. Or E Mail stevesmith@thelittledojo.com

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Les Stroud's Survivorman Starts Next Friday Night

Les Stroud's Surviorman on Discovery Channel begins it's new season next Friday night. Les Stroud takes his camera equipment himself and minimal gear and heads into the wild in a Survival circumstance's for seven days with no safety rope, very good TV and a great education for those interested in outdoor survival.

The Little Dojo in Walla Walla heads into the Mountains for it Mountain Retreat on September 14- 16. Members will learn outdoor skills as well as the rare Fook Yueng Chuan, Infinity Knife Concepts and Non Classical Gung Fu.

The Retreat is outdoors and training will be day and night rain or shine. Check it out.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Jesse Glover Non Classical Gung Fu Seminar Presented by John McNabney

John McNabney is proud to present, Bruce Lee's first student in America, Jesse Glover. Jesse Glover will be teaching a two day seminar at Purple Dragon Studio on Saturday & Sunday August 11 & 12, 2007. For a flyer, use our contact page at the top of our website.

Pierre Hartmann will be presenting a Seminar With Jesse Glover and Steve Smith in Switzerland in November.

Steve Smith will be conducting a Fook Yueng Chuan, Infinity Concepts, Non Classical Gung Fu Mountain Retreat September 14th through the 16th. Non Classical Gung Fu, Infinity Knife Concepts, Multiple Attackers, and Counter Grappling.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

All Five Machado Brothers for Four Days

Dear friends and students from Machado Jiu-Jitsu!

We are glad to inform everyone that the first ever "Machado Brothers Training Camp" is heating up. We welcome everyone to make their reservations at the earliest possible time, in order to guarantee a spot. Enclosed is the Camp's brochure. The hours will be divided in the following way:

Thursday, July 26th: 9-12pm and 2-5pm
Friday, July 27th: 9-12pm and 2-5pm
Saturday, July 28th: 10am-1pm and 2-5pm
Sunday, July 29th: 9am-1pm

Registration can be done online (www.carlosmachado.net) or by phone (972-934-1316), or fax (214-646-0303).

We appreciate your support. Instructors who bring along five students will train for free!

All the best to everyone,

Carlos Machado.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Rattan Training Sticks Great Source Authentic FMA Weapons

Traditional Filipino Weapons is now offering traditional Rattan Sticks soaked in Natural Oils. They blow apart other sticks Ron says they last. While you are there check out the authentic swords and knives make in the Philippines, they are beautiful.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

"Spy Camp" Here is a Kids Summer Camp To Keep Kids Going

Here is a summer camp that should have been around when we were kids, "Spy Camp" at Premier Martial Arts. Steve Smith's Premier Martial Arts is presenting a Summer Camp in Walla Walla, WA that we all wish were around when we were kids. Kids will learn about their community, study Martial Arts, learn to be Kid Safe, enjoy swimming tours and Adventures in Science. Contact Premier Martial Arts in Walla Walla, WA for information at 509-527-3385

Saturday, May 05, 2007

James Keating Riddle of Steel

James A. Keating of Comtech is putting together a Riddle of Steel in Hells Canyon, are you in? He only needs 25 people to enroll and receive their deposits by July 1. The Riddle of Steel is regarded by many to by the Best Knife Training Seminar on the Planet.

Give him a call or visit COMTECH.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Non Classical Gung Fu Seminar

Steve Smith is presenting a free introduction to Non Classical Gung Fu at Premier Martial Arts in Walla Walla, WA, Monday, April 30 at 5 PM. Non Classical Gung Fu is the method taught by Bruce Lee and modified by Jesse Glover. Steve Smith is a long time friend of Jesse Glover. Steve Smith owns Premier Martial Arts in Walla Walla and teaches at The Little Dojo.

This session will be fun for any level of experience beggining to advanced.

Premier Martial Arts
822 West Main Suite A
Walla Walla, WA 99362

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Rene Erm and Team Dragon Fist to Rent Space from The Little Dojo in Walla Walla, Washington

Rene Erm and Team Dragon Fist will be renting space and running work outs at The Little Dojo, for its members and anyone interested in MMA training in Walla Walla. The work outs are intended for those interested in competition they are work out based rather than class based.
  • Work outs are Scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at The Little Dojo and Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM at Steve Smith's Premier Martial Arts. These classes are run by Rene Erm and Dragons Fist and do not have anything to do with PMA or Steve Smith.
Steve Smith's Premier Martial Arts Fight Team trains 5 days a week from 8 to 9:30 AM at Premier Martial Arts 822 West Main Street in Walla Walla. This team is limited to 8 team members, there are currently 5 spots remaining on the team interested parties should contact Mr. O or Steve Smith at 509-527-3385.

Ryan Calhoon's Black Belt Academy runs an MMA class Tuesday and Thursday Nights at 8:00 PM, the workouts are technique based and are open to anyone learning MMA methods whether or not for competition.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kalem Klinfelter Wins in First Mixed Martial Arts Match in Walla Walla MMA Event

Here Kalem Klinefelter poses with Chad his opponent of a few minutes privious. They had one of the best fights of the night, being fairly evenly matched standing up, Chad had a good game on the ground that challenged Kalem in the area where Klinefelter felt the most comfortable. It was one of the most exciting matches of the night as well, the crowd was on its feet when Kalem finished with a triangle choke in the second round.
Kalem started training with Steve Smith at Premier Martial Arts in Walla Walla about 2 to 3 months prior to the fight and had about 1 year of Jiujitsu before that. Kalem is one of the fastest studies Steve Smith has seen and has a real natural way of moving on the ground. He is coming a long way in striking and should have a good amature career if he decides to pursue it.
Good luck to Kalem in the Future!
Steve Smith teaches Mixed Martial Arts privately and has a Mixed Martial Arts Team at Premier Martial Arts and The Little Dojo. Interested in Mixed Martial Arts in Walla Walla? Contact Premier Martial Arts 509-527-3385, they can get you in the ring.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Instant Video Generator a Cool Tool For Karate Teachers

Instant Video Editor looks like a great way for Karate / Martial Arts teachers to get information out to students in a convienient and effective way. It seams to alow you to communicate much more effectively than the printed word and will alow for demonstration as well. It makes embedding video in emails and web pages easy.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Art of James A. Keating

For many years James A. Keating has lead the field in the area of Knife Combatives, few know of his work with the pen and the brush. I have just found a great web page featuring The Art of James A. Keating.

James Keating is a man of many talents and expressions it is interesting to see him put his talents on paper and canvas. Good stuff!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Excellent Source of Traditional Filipino Weapons

I just just found a great source for Traditional Filipino Weapons, Ron has excellent service and a great turnaround time on orders.

He has many hand crafted weapons that can be used by the collector or hard use person as well. Check it out. Traditional Filipino Weapons accepts both Visa and Master card. This Visayan Barong is defiantly on my Christmas list.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mixed Martial Arts Fights Come To Walla Walla March 24

Saturday March 24th Grassroots Network presents 15 Mixed Martial Arts Fights at Walla Walla Community College. Walla Walla Community College is located at 500 Tausick Way, Walla Walla, WA 99362.
  • MMA Fights
  • Saturday March 24th, 2007
  • 500 Tausick Way, Walla Walla
  • Tickets available at Hot Poop Records: 509-525-9080
  • 15 Fights
The fighters are from Pendelton, Walla Walla, Milton Freewater, Spokane and other regional areas.

One of the Walla Walla fighters, Kalem Klinefelter is fighting out of Steve Smith's Premier Martial Arts. Ty Crane and a couple other fighters are fighting out of a group meeting at The Little Dojo who are coached by Rene Erm.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Pierre Hartmann Non Classical Gung Fu Video Clip on You Tube

Pierre Hartmann teaches Non Classical Kung Fu (a long time student of Jesse Glover and Ed Hart) and Eskrima ( he is a Guru under the Ledgendary Sonny Umpad). Pierre is 50 years old and really can move.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Looking for a Self Protection Device that Works?

If you are looking for an inexpensive self-defence device the Walla Walla Stinger just might be the perfect fit. Master of Arms, James A. Keating has designed a perfect key chain tool.
The Walla Walla Stinger fits on your key chain and is always available when you need it. It is designed to focus the power of a punch into a very small area giving even a small person devestating power. I recomend these to both men and women who I teach in Self Protection Clinics.
To be a good self defense tool something needs to be simple, reliable, and effective. The Walla Walla Stinger fills all of those requirments. They sell for less than $15 and will last for years. James Keating has them on sale now.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Brian Johnson Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Seminar at Yuen's Family Martial Arts Center in Coquitlam B.C.

"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling art that is practiced primarily on the ground. To the outsider, it may appear to be very similar to wrestling. The difference is that BJJ is the art of submission - or getting your practice partner into a position where they have no alternative other than to "give up" or "submit". This is done with a variety of joint locks and chokes that are all designed to be very effective without injuring your partner." More......

Sensei Brian Johnson will be conducting a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminar Friday March 2nd at Yuen's Family Martial Arts Center in Conquitlam B.C.. Sensei Johnson has over 15 years of experience with a Black Belt under David Meyer and John Will.

Yuen's FMAC is a beautiful new training facility Coquitlam on Austin. Walking in you are met with the attentiveness and surroundings that will remind you of Starbucks. Yuen's Family Martial Arts offers a wide range of training opportunities including Grappling, Non Classical Gung Fu, Arnis, Kick Boxing, Children's Classes, Fook Yueng Chuan, Tae Kwan Do and more. They are host to many top martial arts training seminar opportunities.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Flow of Visayan Escrima Random Flow Training

"Unlike empty-hand or even stick fighting, dueling with swords offers no
forgiveness. A mistake in timing or reaction does not lead to a bruise or a
broken arm, but to severed tendons, deep trauma, and potentially death. A
much greater emphasis is therefore placed on strategy than perhaps would be
with less lethal weapons." more......

The above comes from an excellent artical on on Sonny Umpad's Visayan Escrima Corto Cadena by MAIJA SODERHOLM, B.SC.

Watching Sonny Umpad do Escrima was at once watching a master dancer and warrior moving. It is excellent to see that there is an organization that is setting up to perpetuate Sonny's Method, check out the web pages. His method works well in conjunction with any martial art and will definantly be an eye opener if you have not played with a gifted escrima master.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Little Dojo In Walla Walla Gets New Location

The Little Dojo in Walla Walla gets a new home. On March 1st 2007 The Little Dojo will be moving to it's new home a 1600 square foot dojo located at 1726 East Isaacs. There will be an expanded Curriculum to include:

  • Fook Yueng Chuan

  • Bruce Lee's Non Classical Gung Fu

  • Sing I Chuan

  • I Chuan

  • MMA

  • CQB for Proffessionals

  • A variety of Seminars including, Mountain Retreats, Jesse Glover, Pierre Hartman, Infinity Knife Concepts, Weapons Retention and Disarms, and Self Defense
Anyone interested in training at The Little Dojo can apply by calling Steve Smith at 509-527-3385. Or email yeungchuan@yahoo.com