Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Here is a great idea; Foundation. Pierre Hartman is offering a realistic way to get your "feet wet" in the rare and hard to pin down method of Bruce Lee's Non Classical Gung Fu. Pierre Hartmann is a direct first generation student of both Jesse R. Glover and Ed Hart (Bruce Lee's second student and author of Gung Fu to Grappling and Boxing for Street Self Defense).

The training is 50 hours of intensive, very, and is held in the Geneve Switzerland area, each program is limited to 4 highly motivated people who are ready to take their training to the next level and are interested in high level health, fighting capability and or a career teaching the Chinese Boxing Association's Non Classical Kung Fu. Foundation has three levels: Foundation, Foundation Professional, Foundation Instructor.

I personaly watched a group of 4 people who just completed this course work out and they are the real deal. One just won a MMA championship in Zurich and the others you can see are really good movers.

Its a great Idea and it is producing real results, way to go Pierre!

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