Monday, May 29, 2006

Knife Forums

I just found a great discussion board for those of us that are interested in discusing knives and knife work.

It is caledl Knife Forums.

There are some interesting well thought out reveiws on blades and methods.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Jesse Glover (Bruce Lee's First Student) Seminar In Switzerland

Jesse R. Glover, Bruce Lee's first student then assistant instructor will be conducting a two day seminar in Switzerland. The seminar will be held August 5th and 6th in the Village of Hermance.
Contact: Mr. Pierre Hartmann
+4179 200 9174

Jesse Glover is a living legend of the martial arts and is a highly regarded and sought out teach in the United States and Europe.

Friday, May 26, 2006

James Keating Presents Cane Seminar

James Keating world famous for his Hells Canyon Retreat the Riddle of Steel, is holding a seminar on the use of the cane for self defense and combat. James skill in teaching is straight forward and you learn. His methods are effective they work. The seminar is cheap $60 bucks. The event his held in central Wasthington State (Ellensburge) just a nice morning drive from Seattle.

June 10 from 9 to 1:30
Call 509-962-2891 for details and driving directions

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Chuck Norris, Why I like Him

Chuck Norris while maybe not the best fighter of all time (was one of the top Karate Champs) does have a begginers mind when it comes to martial arts. For example while being one of the most well known Martial Artists of his generation he saw a place to improve on ( his ground game) and sought out Rigan Mashado for training. Chuck Norris walks his talk, he has a philosophy of life and lives it. He talks about fitness and he is fit look at him he works out.

Chuck Norris can laugh at himself. Check out this clip over at

Chuck Norris Clip

Oh and by the way thanks Chuck for all you do for Kids!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Combat Sport Challenge

For people living in the Pacific Northwest the Combat Sport Challenge will be held in Spokane, Washington on September 23, 2006.

The events will be:

Continuous Point Sparring
Grappling (Control or Submission)
Stick Fighting

This event is for those who have wanted to take their training to the next level but were not willing to go the the Full Contact environments? The Goal is to create an extremely safe environment to allow for a higher intensity competition. For some this will be a launching pad to go into a full contact environment. Test your knowledge and skill at this unique Competition.

There are no forms, this will be all Combat.

Michigan Jujitsu Seminar

SMAA Jujutsu Summit
The SMAA presents the 2006 Jujutsu Summit, a once in a generation
opportunity to
train in three forms of Japanese jujutsu in the same weekend: ancient,
classical, and modern. Featuring three of the most renowned North
martial arts writers/instructors, this event will offer Hontai
Saigo Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, and Sato-Ryu Nihon Jujutsu, as well as classes
Japanese Yoga (Shin Shin Toitsu-Do).
For further information, see

Monday, May 15, 2006

Spyderco Introduces New Chinook 3

Spyderco has introduced the New version of a great knife. The Spyderco Chinook is already a real functional knife, strong fast and with all the benifits of a bowie style tip. The new improvments include flat grind for better cutting and reduced weight.

The Chinook
is designed by Master of Arms James Keating who is one of the most respected western blade proponents in the world. He designed it for his personal carry and it therefore had to be "right".

The Chinook 1 and 2 for my taste were just a bit bulky in the handle for my smaller hands the Chinook 3 has remedied that for me. My knives have to be easy to sharpen and have a flat grind for easy cutting. I recomend this knive.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Premier Martial Arts Presenting a Team Fighter at UFC 50

PMA Opens Mixed Martial Arts Training Center In Long Beach California - PMA Forms Mixed Martial Arts Pro Team

Premier Martial Arts is excited to welcome Alan Predolin to the PMA family. Mr. Predolin will own and operate a Premier Training Center in Long Beach California that will specialize in training professional MMA / Kickboxing / and Jiu-Jitsu fighters. This PMA center will also be the home of the new PMA Mixed Martial Arts Pro Team.

  1. We are also excited to announce that Alan Predolin and Premier Martial Arts has signed Alessio Sakara as our first member of the PMA/MMA Pro Team.


Here is a great idea; Foundation. Pierre Hartman is offering a realistic way to get your "feet wet" in the rare and hard to pin down method of Bruce Lee's Non Classical Gung Fu. Pierre Hartmann is a direct first generation student of both Jesse R. Glover and Ed Hart (Bruce Lee's second student and author of Gung Fu to Grappling and Boxing for Street Self Defense).

The training is 50 hours of intensive, very, and is held in the Geneve Switzerland area, each program is limited to 4 highly motivated people who are ready to take their training to the next level and are interested in high level health, fighting capability and or a career teaching the Chinese Boxing Association's Non Classical Kung Fu. Foundation has three levels: Foundation, Foundation Professional, Foundation Instructor.

I personaly watched a group of 4 people who just completed this course work out and they are the real deal. One just won a MMA championship in Zurich and the others you can see are really good movers.

Its a great Idea and it is producing real results, way to go Pierre!