The Little Dojo the International Fook Yueng Chuan Association along with Infinity Knives, Yuen’s Family Martial Arts Centers and Walla Walla’s Premier Martial Arts announce the Spring 2008 Mountain Retreat “The Power of Belief” to be held the Weekend of June the 6th. The Power of Belief Mountain Retreat will cover areas of Human Potential as affected by the concept of Belief. We will be covering in depth, Energy Work for Martial and Healing work. As well as all areas of Martial Arts from Swimming Body to the Fighting Tomahawk from Infinity Knives.
This weekend is designed to bring body and mind together in a synergistic blend of power and focus. These principles are great in the Martial Arts and directly translate into everyday life.
First time participants enjoy and intro rate of $350 U.S. Dollars and Members of the I.F.Y.C.A. or Returning participants enjoy the discounted rate of $286 U.S. Dollars. Please allow for a $45 cabin fee and this year is bring your own food. There will be a full kitchen for your use.
Remember to book Early there will be only 26 participants this year strictly enforced. Bring training equipment or order early to have yours waiting at the event. Where warm outdoor training clothing, bring a great attitude for learning and fasten your seat belts, this one is going to Rock! or 509-527-3385