"The Comtech DRAWPOINT SYSTEM is one of the most successful defensive knife methods ever to be devised. From it's outset the experts have agreed that DRAWPOINT is the way to effective, sane, personal defense with an edged weapon. You see, DRAWPOINT is merely modified Pekiti Tersia Kali.
Traditional Filipino Kali is like any other martial art. To learn it to it's fullest requires years of dedicated practice. That's why I designed DRAWPOINT. It has all of the good aspects of Kali, but occupies a more streamlined tactical profile. Truly designed for today's world. Easy to learn, deadly in close range and fun to learn, those are the words that describe DRAWPOINT from Comtech." James A. Keating
James Keating is a Genius at taking the complex and making it simple, within reach of everyone. He is not new to this but has since the early 1990's been a leader in the area of Knife Combatives.
This series is the first and best instructional program on the use of knives drawpoint. It comes highly recommended by those in the "know". This series is a complete integrated approach.
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