Walla Walla, Washington is having it's first sanctioned Mixed Martial Arts event tonight at 6 at the Armery. A few local fighters are competing including Ty Crane who was a student of Steve Smith for a short time and now trains with his Dad, Rene Erm. It looks like there will be about 12 matches and the 500 seat arena is sold out.
For Mixed Martial Arts training in Walla Walla there are a few good choices both for competition and fitness. Premier Martial Arts, Calhoons Black Belt Academy, The Little Dojo, Blue Mountain Tae Kwan Do being the best choices.
In choosing a place to train it is imperative to seek out a school that has a depth of experience in competing and in the methods nessesary to develop great conditioning and technical skill, and to find a coach that you resonate with.
Steve Smith at Premier Martial Arts has trained in every thing from Karate to Closed door systems and has trained fighters who have won various mma and other events. Ryan Calhoon teaches MMA at Calhoun's Black Belt Academy.
Check it out MMA for competion and conditioning just makes sense.